Monday, February 8, 2010


I am taking after my good friend Adriana and starting a new blog. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but sometime. I feel like I have used up all of the life I can from this blog, and a new year calls for a new and improved blog. Maybe if I start fresh then I will start writing again. Maybe.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Schedule 2009-2010 School Year

1A Busniness Management - S. Wynder
2A Financial Plan CC - J. Riches
3A Pre Calc/Trig Honors - P. Cannon
4A Concert Choir - E. Pike

1B English Honors - L. Helotes
2B US History AP - C. Watson
3B Physics B AP - E. Duncan
4B Athletic Trainer - B. Pavlish

Notes: 1A and 2A are my Academy of Finance classes. 3A and 3B is the block class and the AP Physics isn't as scary as it sounds...yet. 4B will be changed into my Chinese Language class before school starts.

I'm getting super excited to start school because I'm a true nerd and I like being busy and feeling productive.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Under Control

It's August.
The month that school begins again.
And I'm wondering.
If I am being too confident with my schedule.
I have Early Morning Seminary.
Academy of Finance.
AP History.
The dreaded Block Class.
Which includes AP Physics.
Chinese, English, and the rest.

I'm freaking out a little bit.
Can I handle it?
I don't know,
but I'm sure going to try.
I'm excited despite how scary it is.
I'm ready to be doing something during the day again.
Instead of sitting in front of the TV.
And rotting my brains.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Summer Officially Begins

Most of you don't know this, but summer didn't start for me until today. That's right...I've lost about a month of my summer to a Drivers Ed course that I had to take because I didn't have enough room in my schedule during the school year. Boo. They said that it would be class from 9-11 A.M. from Monday through Friday, but they lied. Right away we had to get up an hour earlier to drive out on the range before class, and then we had to sign up (during times when we didn't have class) to drive out on the road with an instructor in two hour increments. So really we could be there anywhere from two hours (minimum) to six hours a day, depending on when you signed up to drive. I!
However, classes ended yesterday and I am proud to report that I passed the driving test! Woot woot! If I hadn't been such a dingle-berry and waited until I was already 16 to get my PERMIT (not my license) than I could have my license as soon as the class ended, but no, I waited until the day classes started to get my permit. What effect does that have you ask? Well, now I have to wait until December 8th to get my license. That serves a problem seeing as I have early morning seminary next year (that's the only place it could work if I wanted to take that class because, yet again, I have a jam packed schedule next year what with Academy of Finance and all) and I need a way to get there in the morning. My parents can't drive me because they both go to work about the same time I leave for school, and as of now I know no one down here on the west side that is taking early morning. Dang.

Despite all of that though, I am officially excited because NOW, on July 2nd, summer begins! I don't have to wake up at six in the morning anymore, and I have no obligations to attend to (except for my chores and instrumental practicing every day). I am free to be as lazy as I want. YES! And to kick it all off, I get to go to the cabin tomorrow for the fourth of July reunion. Life is good.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Rainy Days

This weekend my family and I went to the Johnson Cabin for some good old Johnson family fun. Problem was - it wouldn't stop raining. What was there to do but just sit in the cabin and enjoy the sound and smell of the rain? David, Caleb, my cousin, and I went on a couple walks while Suzy bounded beside us and almost killed a turkey that we didn't even see until it ran out of the trees, leaving its turklets behind, and scaring the crap out of me because we had been talking about cougars all day long.

The rain brought mud, which was a little difficult on our little Avalon when we tried to drive the dirt, now mud, road. Very fun. David and I had some fun times, jumping into waist deep water with our pants on just for the fun of it (and because we promised to, on family). It was also fun when he pushed me off of a log and I fell off backwards. Ask Karla or Wayne what happened there.

My two favorite parts, however, involved Karla and my mom. The first one happened when we went to Night At The Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. After the movie everyone was trying to get out of the place because in Vernal's small theater, the next movie starts RIGHT after one finishes. While the credits were rolling however, Karla was completely unaware that people were trying to get out of the aisle, so she was dancing along with the music playing during the credits. About eight people were behind her just standing there while Karla just continued to dance, for about two minutes while everyone just stood there, waiting. It doesn't sound like much, but David, Caleb and I were laughing so hard, I almost started crying...almost.

Number two, my mom. Everyone knows that mice get into our cabin. Well we were all just sitting around the cabin, talking at night when my mom thought she saw a mouse and she suddenly stopped and said, and this a direct quote here, "I saw something...and then I saw something!" Everyone laughed for about an hour before we calmed down. It was so funny.

Hopefully you guys reading this are laughing and its not just one of those things where you had to be there. I hate it when that happens. Boo.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


The AP test is over, as of Thursday. It took about four hours for the entire thing. The multiple choice went all right, but I just hope I'm on thebetter side of the national curve and some genious Asian kid in...Kentucky didn't ruin the whole thing by getting a 100%. That would be really bad. On to the three essays after a ten minute break. My DBQ (Document Based Question) was a little sloppy, as was my second essay (Change Over Time - thank goodness I knew most of the information that it was on otherswise I would be absolutely SCREWED! It was on the Silk Road, for those of you who were curious) because I didn't have a lot of time to work. My last essay (Compare and Contrast) I totally rocked! That's my best essay. It was on social ideaology in North America and Latin America from the 1500s to 1830. I rocked it!!! Until...I was walking home and I realized that I wrote it on social structure instead of the social ideaology. NO! If I had realized that in time I still could have done well because I knew about the social ideaology! I was so disappointed. Hopefully the people grading will be kind.
I feel like, now that it's over, all of the pent up stress and frustration that I've been carrying for the year have now melted away. I have a chance to get my life back now! I am so excited to start doing other things again besides constantly studying for that stupid test. Phew. It's's done.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Rant #1

I'm waiting for my dad to get home so he can take me out to eat because it's Parent Teacher Conferences for my mom so my dad and I go out to eat because we can't make food for ourselves when my mom isn't here so...Fiesta Ole it is. :D
I'm really hungry because I've put myself on a diet. Since I stopped drinking soda I've substituted my soda craving with food instead, hence the weight gain. Besides, if I'm joining a soccer team in the spring (if the coaches I emailed about a possible position on their team will ever email me back) than I should get in shape. Kenz and I are doing some sort of exercise video on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and when the weather heats up again I'll start running to get my endurance up for soccer. Okay - the diet consists of not eating after I've had dinner, and when I come home from school and have a snack, that snack can only consist of a fruit, a vegetable, or both, but nothing else. After my after school snack I can't eat anything until dinner.
Anyways...I better go do my homework. I have a Primary Document due tomorrow in AP History, and my bridge for Physics is due tomorrow as well, on Friday the 13th. I swear, I'm going to be walking into class, trip, and fall straight on my bridge. Dang Mr. Cannon!
Oh! And for those of you who don't know, Saturday is Pie Day. It's 3/14...get it? He he. I think I might try to take a pie to my math class tomorrow for Mr. Cannon, Stavn, and the guy that's coming to destroy my bridge that I worked so hard on (with my lovely father's help of course).
Ah! I think my dad is home, and I'm starving! FOOD!